Monday, 4 September 2017

How to Treat Borderline Personality Treatment To Live Peaceful Life

If you or your friend is currently facing the problem of borderline personality disorder and want to get rid of it. Then, you are landed on right page. Today I am going to tell you about what are the treatments available to treat Borderline Personality Disorder.

Before, I start telling you about the treatment of this disorder. You need to understand what borderline personality disorder is. When a person faced the change in his/her behavior with others, feeling of boredom and emptiness, feeling numb even watching someone in pain. That mental condition of a person is called borderline personality disorder. You can check out all the symptoms of borderline personality disorder here.

Check out the treatments for Borderline Personality Disorder

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)

focuses on the concept of mindfulness, or paying attention to the present emotion. DBT teaches skills to control intense emotions, reduce self-destructive behavior, manage distress, and improve relationships. It seeks a balance between accepting and changing behaviors. This proactive, problem-solving approach was designed specifically to treat BPD. Treatment includes individual therapy sessions, skills training in a group setting, and phone coaching as needed. DBT is the most studied treatment for BPD and the one shown to be most effective.

Metallization-based therapy (MBT)

is a talk therapy that helps people identify and understand what others might be thinking and feeling

Transference-focused therapy (TFP)

is designed to help patients understand their emotions and interpersonal problems through the relationship between the patient and therapist. Patients then apply the insights they learn to other situations.

Good Psychiatric Management

GPM provides mental health professionals an easy-to-adopt “tool box” for patients with severe personality disorders.


cannot cure BPD but can help treat other conditions that often accompany BPD such as depression, impulsivity, and anxiety. Often patients are treated with several medications, but there is little evidence that this approach is necessary or effective. People with BPD are encouraged to talk with their prescribing doctor about what to expect from each medication and its side effects.

Self-Care activities include

: regular exercise, good sleep habits, a nutritious diet, taking medications as prescribed and healthy stress management. Good self-care can help to reduce common symptoms of BPD such as mood changes, impulsive behavior, and irritability. 

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